Sunday, February 15, 2009

Back to the training rooom.

Having had such a big break since I last looked at the training I had to go back over it a bit, just to make sure I new what I was doing. Not sure I do but I know that there's at least one thing I want to go and work with properly again, and that the RSS feed reader. I can see that I can be utilising that a lot more for work purposes rather than the random sites I added to it at my first go around.
I'm actually up to the wiki section and I had read it all and had a look at the Learning 2.0 favourites wiki, then got caught up in other stuff, before I commented on it and registered as completing. I found this one to be a bit pointless, of course it was just for the exercise, but have used iread and another one since for finding information I've found useful.
Will need to add a few to my feed reader so I can keep track of them properly. I 'm sure they are now the way to work on anything collaboratively. Being able to see all the documents, every body's comments, the progression of ideas through the comments, definitely helps to move things on quickly without going over old ground.
Wikipedia, however, is something I'm taking a long time to feel comfortable about. I think this stems from, my nieces and nephews, studying at University level tell me that all you need is Wikipedia to find out anything. This is despite me telling them how unreliable it truly can be. Hopefully they are just winding me up! But somehow I don't think so.
I know that it is moderated and a close eye is kept on the information and many people help to notify of errors, but I am sure there is much unverified material on it that others are taking as if it were written in stone. I suppose I just need to think of it, as The Daily Telegraph, instead of expecting it to be The Australian.